Save your sleep with blackout roller blinds

Mon 25 Feb 2013 admin

If you work evening shifts it can be very difficult to switch off when bedtime comes around. It can be even harder when you’re working nightshifts – adjusting your sleep patterns, so that you’re heading to bed when most people are getting up for work, can be difficult.

For those who need to sleep during the day, it can be tricky to ensure your bedroom is suitably dark – particularly as we enter the brighter Spring and Summer months. If you need to darken your room then a cheap black out roller blind can work wonders. They can also be very helpful for the rooms of small children and babies, whose sleep may be easily disturbed by early sunlight. A dark room promotes the release of the hormone melatonin in the body, which encourages sleepiness.

Sunrising in Wakefield

As the sun rises earlier and sets later, children will be more likely to feel disturbed by the changes in season. Read your children a bedtime story or give them a regular thing to do before bed so they psychologically know when it’s time to nod off.

How to sleep better:

Having a routine helps the body to get in sync with its natural circadian rhythm, so try and fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day. Avoid caffeine in the evening, and watching television or using a computer late at night is a very bad idea. Artificial light suppresses the release of melatonin, making it harder for you to fall asleep. Listening to calm music or taking a relaxing bath before bedtime can help you drift off to sleep.


If you have a good night’s sleep then you’re more likely to be productive and creative the next day. The body repairs itself during sleep, and if you are fully rested you’re less likely to suffer low mood and depression. When you are fatigued the smallest of tasks can seem like a huge struggle, which is why it’s so important to address the issue and ensure that you’re getting restful and refreshing sleep.


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